Invisible adversity

Dr Uri Manor is a researcher at the Salk Institute who studies the dynamics of cells and Aly Putnam is a PhD student at University of Massachusetts in Amherst. They are researchers in different career stages. They share the fact that they are people with disabilities. They take on their disabilities, and the world, head-on with strength, creativity and humor.
Dr Uri Manor is a researcher at the Salk Institute who studies the dynamics of cells and Aly Putnam is a PhD student at University of Massachusetts in Amherst. They work in different fields and they are at different career stages. What they have in common is that they both have faced and continue to face adversity. They face an adversity of, the more invisible kind, because it's about their life in science as people with disabilities. They face adversity head on with strength, creativity and humor. 

(Art J. Jackson, Music: Funky energetic Intro by WinnieTheMoog. Another piece used in this media project: Paper Flakes by Rafael Krux. Free download: License (CC BY 4.0): Artist website: